3A1SA | Chipping Hammer, 1725 bpm, 0.58 Hex shank, 3 in. stroke
Ingersoll Rand Chipping Hammer, 1725 bpm, 0.58 Hex shank, 3 in. stroke
Chipping Hammer, 1725 bpm, 0.58 Hex shank, 3 in. stroke, model 3A1SA by Ingersoll Rand. Available to order online from Flexible Assembly Systems. Do you see this Ingersoll Rand Chipping Hammer available elsewhere for a lower price? Contact Customer Service about price matching!
3A1SA by Ingersoll Rand
At 1725 blows per minute, the G1621-K2 Chipping Hammer has a 1-1/8 in. Bore and 3 in. stroke.
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Technical Documents
- Ingersoll Rand Series A and W Air Hammer Product Information (PDF)
- Ingersoll Rand Series A and W Air Hammer Parts Breakdown (PDF)
- Ingersoll Rand Air Percussive Tool Safety Information (PDF)
- Ingersoll Rand Series A and W Air Hammer Maintenance Information (PDF)
- Ingersoll Rand A and W Series Chipping Hammers Parts Information (PDF)
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